Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Man, I'm psyched! Paul and I just watched Palin give her speech at the Republican national convention. She is a bulldog. I was completely captivated by her. She knocked it OUT OF THE PARK! I was worried about her speech because of all the fire she came under, but she clearly proved tonight that she is a FORCE to be RECKONED WITH!!! Her speech couldn't have been more well written. She took some jabs at the Obama/Biden ticket, but kept her dignity. She spoke as if to say..."How dare you question my experience, my family, my dare you!!!" She's like, bring on the criticism, I can take it, I can stand on my own two feet! She's authentic. She balances toughness and femininity very well. One of the commentators tonight said, "Well, we just heard the most "macho" speech of the night. Ha! I love it.

On a side note, I had to mention to Paul about half way through her speech....If Tina Fey was still on the Saturday Night Live cast, she'd have this woman NAILED! She looks like Tina Fey a little bit with the glasses and all. She's just beautiful! A woman for Vice President, now, THAT IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!


Dolly said...

I couldn't agree more Angela! I LOVED watching her speak last night and felt like she's someone I could sit down with and have a great conversation with. I was nervous for her too at first but once she started talking I was hanging on every word! GO SARAH PALIN!!!!

Oh, and yes, about Tina Fey! I see the resemblence too. I also think she looks a little like Christy Hindson Murphy. Do you know who that is?

Donna said...

Angela That is so funnny! I was thinking the SAME Thing last night. When SNL starts their season soon, Tina Fey would make the PERFECT Palin!!

kirsten said...

Girl, I couldn't agree with you more! We just ordered our McCain/Palin bumper stickers so we can loudly declare our choice.