No more nursery. We just got Wesley some big boy furniture. We painted over the pale green walls with a khaki color and tookt he crib apart and moved out all the baby things. I cried and cried when I saw the room coming apart. It's hard to see that chapter of my life be over. It's exciting at the same time. I had to take a picture of Wesley sleeping the first night in his bed. He's all sprawled out. Sleeping like an angel. The fun part is that now, I can actually crawl in with him and snuggle! By the way, yes, that is a pacifier and yes, he is 3 and still going to sleep with one. Give me some ideas for how to get rid of this thing!
Whole Wheat Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 days ago
Have a paci party! Get him all excited about sending his pacifiers to someone or somewhere, (we sent them to Bently a puppy who loved pacifiers) and then get him some kind of big boy gift like a stuffed animal or blanket...something different to kind of take its place even though we know it really won't. Make sure you hide the paci's that day or mail them off. Then at night when he is freaking remind him of what he did with his pacifiers. He will freak alot the first night and the second not so bad, then he should be over it, with gradual remembering every once in a while. It worked with both my kids (Cobe with the bottle). Never looked back....BUT you have to be strong. No crumbling.
My sister did the paci party and gave all my niece's pacis to the Easter bunny at the mall. I'm sure the Easter bunny (who of course doesn't talk) was like "what the heck are they giving me?" It worked for her too so you might want to try it!
Little Wesley still looks so little. What a sweetie! Now Angela, why does this chapter have to be over? Everybody's having babies these days...why don't you join us? You'll be popular!
ok well mine is almost 2 1/2 and she still has hers, i tried to get rid of it earlier but i was pregnant and i NEEDED it in her mouth as much as she did! now i feel like i dont really care so much, especially if i am just going to replace it with something else she HAS to have to go to sleep. i have seen in a few other situations where the little one just gives it up. plus i cant pretend they dont exist any more in my house when baby sister has one, and the next one coming in september will get one too!
My 2 cents... If he only has a paci at night.. what's the harm. Kendall left hers for Santa when she was 2 1/2. I regret that to this day. She has never slept the same since. There is nothing wrong with him being able to sooth himself with a paci. It usually falls out when they go to sleep anyway. As my wise 96 year old grandma says.. he won't go to school carrying a paci.
What sweet pictures of your
boy. I would often sneak a kiss on my sleeping children...still do on my 11 year old "baby."
Because my daughter, the first-born, was so attached until age 3 1/2 to her "pabis" (pacifier), I never gave one to my boys. Do what works for you!
First, you lose all but one paci. Then you cut the tip end off of it and tell him that it is broken. This worked for my daughter but she was two when we did this. She understood that it was broken. We kept it up in the cabinet and let her see that it was broken until she quit asking for it. She was sad that her paci was broken and we kept her out of stores for awhile so that she didn't see any and think we could buy one, she knew she couldn't have anyone else's. (Don't give it back to them broken as this may be dangerous1)
I'm sure he loves his Big Boy room. It is sad leaving that chapter of your life but it is also very exciting. Think of all the new things he is learning and experiencing. Tell him that Kiki is very proud of him for sleeping in a big boy room. Way to go Wesley!!!
THat is so sweet! HE looks so peaceful. I love the big boy bed and I'm sure he feels so big and just like his big brother!!
I have no advice on pacies. Both of mine are thumb suckers!!
What a nice comfy looking bed to get switched into! (: Lucky boy! Don't fret...the paci will work it's way out.
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