I'm not as coupon savvy as some of my famous blogging friends...aka...Carolina Clipper and Donna (we need a name for you by the way), but I feel like I'm on the brink of saving BIG TIME! Tonight, I'm on a high. I had to share my deals. I got 2 papers on Sunday, cut coupons and looked through the flyers. Publix had some GREAT buy 1 get 1 free deals. And they had buy 4 boxes of Kellog's get a gallon of milk for free...well, the cereal was buy1get1 free too, PLUS I had a coupon, so I got 4 boxes of cereal and a gallon of milk for.....$1.25!
Here's all my groceries. I spent $75.06 on groceries. Way down from my usual total. BUT I SAVED....$68.38!!! That's 3 tanks of gas. Or another week's worth of groceries! To all my coupon clipping buddies, I hope I've made you proud! :)
Mango Avocado and Shrimp Salad
5 hours ago
GREAT job, Ang! Me proud. You almost saved 50 whole %!!!! I LOVE Publix and wish we had that here.
That's awesome Angela!!!!
I'm so proud of you. I'm getting ready to blog about how I can't find ANY helpful coupons and am saving NOTHING! How do you guys do it?!
Good job Angela! It gets addicting after a while doesn't it? It's like you're looking on the ground for good coupons instead of money! hahahaha!
Angela, that is so great!!!! I just did a post on couponing, too! How funny! If you have Walgreens in your area, you need to go!! They have some fantastic deals there this week!!!
It does give me a natural high also!!! :)
Angela, that is awesome! You have gotten me so excited about couponing since you brought me my 2 papers. Yesterday, was the first time I went out (without kids) to Walmart and I saved 20.00. I had my big binder that I put together over the weekend, you'll have to see it. I know it's not 68, but it was my first time and I was so excited!! I actually can't wait to go shopping again and I usually hate grocery shopping,not now, it's a game. Thanks for getting me going! Lisa Irby
Good job Angela! We have Publix stores here and they do have some great BOGO's every week. They'll do items that I buy on a regular basis and usually ones I have coupons for. In fact, today is Wednesday so I need to go check the new ones out!
I'm just now seeing this post and it's Thurs. am! GOOD JOB!! You're getting the hang of it and it will soon be a piece of cake--this coupon thing. Way to go!
WOW Angela!!! I am so proud of you! That is some serious savings girl. Keep up the good work!
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