When I was a little girl, my dad would circle up our family each night and read the Bible to us. No frills. No games. Just my dad on the couch with his open Bible and he would read. There were a few passages in particular that he would read over and over and over. I remember sitting there as a little girl thinking, "I just want to go play with my dolls". But, little did I know that my dad was creating a hunger and thirst for the Bible in me. Now, I look back on that time as one of my MOST favorite childhood memories. He would read Psalm 100. The 23 Psalm, and many others. But one passage he had my brother and I memorize was The Beatitudes in Matthew. To this day, I STILL have it memorized. I understand now, the power of teaching a child while they are young. It never leaves you.
I read in a book (Wild At Heart) that our children's idea of the world and how they fit into it rests on our shoulders as parents. If that is true, and I want my boys to have a God conscious idea of this world, we need to be living it!!!
A few months ago, I started teaching Will The Beatitudes. Matthew 5:3-12. It's amazing how quickly he is catching on. What I'm really trying to do is KEEP IT SIMPLE. Everything in me wants me to make learning scripture a game. Or some creative song. Not that anything is wrong with those tactics. I've written the verses out on construction paper and Will is learning one verse at a time. I can't wait to tell my dad that his persistence in reading the Bible to us every night, is now being passed on to my boys. Thank you Dad!
Mango Avocado and Shrimp Salad
6 hours ago
This is wonderful, Angela.
Your boys will have this imprinted on their hearts forever!
So fantastic and so true. Great job, Angela! Great job Mr. Shonfelder!!!
Great reminder, Angela. You are doing such a good job with those boys of yours.
That is wonderful. I grew up in a Baptist church and we had GAs and each year you would advance to some royal position.........Princess, Queen, Queen Regent. But the year that I was a Queen I had to recite the Beatitudes. It has never left me.
It had no meaning to me at the time but I think that what the Bible says about hiding the Word in your heart starts out just like that.
I know this will mean so much to your Dad.
Love ya.
I love that, Angela. The Word will not return void!
Love you!
What a great post! That's so good you're carrying on what you've been taught. That's what it's all about and I think that's what God meant when He said to "be fruitful and mulitiply" so that we can train up more godly children. Good job!
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