Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm coming out of the closet, about my closet!

If I were to take a picture of any other room in my house right now, it would look neat and orderly. I make my bed every morning, and try to keep the kitchen free of clutter. But this is the skeleton in my "closet". The "crumbs in my butter" if you will. I am really resisting the urge to just delete this post all together. But I feel like if I air my "dirty laundry" I will feel a burden lifted. This is my closet. I have winter and summer clothes colliding in here and it's created the PERFECT STORM! I have a bucket of clothes I want to sell on ebay and clothes I haven't worn in years. They're going...buh-bye! I wish I could have the Closet Innovations people come and do this for me, but I created the mess, I gotta clean it up! Consider this my BEFORE picture. I'm gonna tackle this bad boy today during nap time and I'll post an AFTER picture tomorrow.


Dolly said...

Love this post Angela! Everyone can always clean out a good closet although sometimes it's hard to get rid of things. I recently did this to mine as well and I'm already seeing things I should have done away with.

tawn said...

Angela, I was doing the same thing today. And mine looked the same way...(and another closet to go).

Anonymous said...

I love your honesty! Blog your real life, woman! :) BUT, you will NOT see a picture of my closet going up anytime soon! It's beyond ridiculous!