Sunday, April 25, 2010

Keeping up with the Richardsons

Paul has been on sabbatical this month and I have LOVED having extra time with him! We have been so busy with outdoors-y things, I haven't had much time to blog. Here's a few pic's from this month...
Family bike ride on the Silver Comet Trail - this is Brushy Mountain Tunnel.
Soccer - The Polar Bears
Soccer - The Aggies
DWTS - Paul's been watching some of it with me. I think, deep down, I'd like to compete on the show. It could be Dancing with the House Moms or something. I just wanna give house moms a good name now...wipe the slate clean!
Paul watched the boys for me Saturday and Clipsy Chicks had our 21st SAVEINAR! 

We took the boys to see the Ocean's movie on Earth Day. We walked around the mall and saw these water balls that you get zipped up inside of and crawl around like a hamster. We let the boys do it! It's hilarious to watch. Not quite sure how sanitary it is, but I couldn't let myself think about that.

So that's a little of what we've been up to.

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