Thursday, October 29, 2009

Things you'll learn on a farm field trip...

1. Chickens lay eggs. Plain and simple. My son was walking around, well, no, he was running around, chasing chickens - when he exclaims - "Mom, the chicken laid an egg!". I was passive, "yep, honey, chickens lay eggs, good job...". Then I looked by his feet and VOILA, the chicken literally laid an egg right before our eyes.

2. A sunrise on the farm is just beautiful.

3. You WILL get chicken poop or some other kind of poop on your shoes, so DON'T WEAR YOUR me on this one.

4. Cows. Well, they might do things that may be tricky to explain to a bunch of 4 year olds. I was hysterical when Wesley said, "Mom, what is that cow doing to the other cow?". Me - "Ummmm, I think it's butting the other one out of the way so it can eat more hay." That was brilliant, huh? Sheesh.

I started thinking today..."Wow, I would love this life. Wide open spaces. My boys learning good wholesome values and nature. Simplicity. Pretty sunrises,...etc" Then,

I stepped in chicken poop.

And I squealed.

Out loud.

Maybe I'm not a country girl afterall, but I sure do love to visit once in a while and enjoy all it has to offer.


Desiree said...

Priceless! Awesome explanation of the cows...

Dolly said...

So funny Angela! You got some great pics too. If Leland gets his dream, I may be a farm girl one day! HA! You're right...don't wear your fav shoes and if you do get poop on your foot, it is SO STINKIN (literally) hard to get off.

Melanie said...

Enjoyed the pics!

Kristi said...

Have you ever read Pioneer Woman's blog? She is awesome. A friend of mine just waited in line for 4 hours to meet her at a book signing (what?!).
How awesome to have a chicken lay an egg in front of you!! And not so much on the cows "butting each other out of the way." :)

Jennifer said...

Only a blogger would get a picture of those cows...good job!

I love that very first picture - so cool. What a gorgeous place! I would love to live on a farm but I married a city boy. Darn it! :)

The Goldsmith's Gazette said...

Angela, I am dying laughing at the cows and your explanation. When I took my children to the zoo the giraffes were "Playing Leap Frog" atleast that is what my children were told! They accepted it and moved on. Gotta love field trips!

Ape Chandler said...

Ohhhhh, Angela! I love you. :)
This post was pure gold.

Kristi Smalley said...

Angela, I am rolling at the picture you took of the cows "doing the deed". Way to think of us. Just remember not to include that in your boys school memories book. It may traumatize them one day. HA!

Donna said...

Cute post! I love the cows:) Way to take a picture! Sometimes I think farm life would be great, too.